Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2012 Latest Servlets Interview Question

1.       What are Servlets

2.       What is the Life cycle of Servlet?

3.       Can destroy() be called from inside the service() method

4.       Can I make service() method synchronized? if I do so then what will happen if ten user access that Servlet

5.       Preinitializtion of Servlet

6.       Servlet Aliasing

7.       How to redirect from one servlet to another servlet present in another container ?

8.      How do you implement SingleThreadModel in Servlets?

9.       Server side include ?

10.   Servlet Realms

11.    How do you invoke the the servlet using the Basic authentication

12.    How do restrict access to the servlets package.


14.    How to you pass parameter using HtppUrlConnection

15.    How can I send user authentication information while making URLConnection? (HttpURLConnection.setRequestProperty)


16.    How to get the url of the current request

17.    What is filter? Why do we need filter and how do you configure filter

18.   What is Listener Why do we need listener and how do you configure listener


19.    What is Session Tracking? various ways for achieving SessionTracking

20.   Various ways of specifying Session Time out ? Mention all the mechanisms?

21.    How you will achieve Servlet collabaration ?

22.   What is the tag used for specifying the datasource


23.   How many cookies can one set in the response object of the Servlet

24.   hot many ways a Servlet to Servlet communication ?

25.   What is HTTP tunneling

26.   Explain the directory structure of a web application.




1.       Servlet and JSP

2.       sendRedirect() & forward() method.

3.       doGet() and doPost()

4.       HTTPServlet and GenericServlet.

5.       rd.forward(); or rd.include();

6.       request.getAttribute() and request.getParameter()?

7.       ServletContext and PageContext

8.      ServletContext and ServletConfig?

9.       ServletContext.getInitParameter() and HttpServlet.getInitParameter() ?

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