Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2012 Latest Java Interview Question

1.       What is static variable. transient variable. volatile variable, final variable.

2.       What are the kinds of variables in Java? (Instance, Class, Local)

3.       What is method overloading and s method overriding?


4.       What is final method, native method. abstract method ?

5.       synchronization is to be applied only for?

6.       What is anonymous class.

7.       What is Adapter classes

8.      What are wrapper classes

9.       What are different types of inner classes?


10.   Can you instantiate the Math class?

11.    Can the abstract class be final?

12.    Can a top level class be private or protected?

13.    Is null a keyword?

14.    What is JVM?

15.    What is a Tagged interface Interface? Examples ?

16.    What do you mean by a Classloader?

17.    How will you execute any method of the superclass from the subclass?

18.   What is the purpose of the File class?

19.    What is the life cycle of an applet.

20.   What is Reflection. Uses of Reflection.

21.    How do I access environment variables?

22.   What does autoboxing and unboxing mean?

23.   What are annotations in Java?

24.   can you force garbage collection?

25.   What is the purpose of finalization?


26.   Access Modifiers and access Specifiers ?


27.   Hierarchy of exception

28.   What are Checked and UnChecked Exception?

29.   What are runtime exceptions?

30.   What are the different ways to handle exceptions?

31.    What is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement?

32.   Does the code in finally block get executed if there is an exception and a return statement in a catch block?

33.   What is User defined exception?


1.       What are different ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?

2.       What are the various ways of creating a thread

3.       Three types of priority? (MAX_PRIORITY which is 10, MIN_PRIORITY which is 1, NORM_PRIORITY which is 5)

4.       What is deadlock?

5.       Algorithm used in Thread scheduling? (Fixed priority scheduling.)

6.       Usually where we use the methods wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods?

7.       What is the common usage of serialization?

8.      How many methods in the Serializable interface and it's package is?

9.       What is Externalizable?

10.   How many methods in the Externalizable interface?


44.   How do I synchronize a collection

45.   What interface do you implement to do the sorting?

46.   What is a hashCode and where will you use it ?

47.   What is HashMap and Map?



1.       JVM and JDK and JRE

2.       Abstract class and Interface.

3.       Hashmap and Hashtable.

4.       Vector, Array and Arraylist.

5.       Final, finally and finalized.

6.       String and StringBuffer.

7.       Exception and error.

8.      List, Set and Map.

9.       this() & super().

10.   Iterator and Enumeration.

11.    wait(), join(), sleep(), notify() & notifyall()

12.    File and RandomFileAccess classes.

13.    paint() and repaint() methods.

14.    yielding and sleeping.

15.    .equals and ==

16.    URL & URI

17.    & operator and the && operator?

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