Thursday, December 8, 2011

WEBYOG Written Test Pattern

Here are the quetions
1)Write the technical notes on
 a)which is your Favorite  algorithm and why?
  b)which is your favorite pgming language code trick  c++/java 

2) Answer 4 out of 8 questions .....not compulsory 2 ans from each programming language
  1) write a function which reverses a sentence and function format is of type without using any lib functions
     void reverse(char *sentence)
 2) read the array as command line arguments of type integer and size of 10 , and write a pgm to delete middle element from those array elements 

  1) write a pgm which reads a sentence (if reading of sentence is from console , it contains more points) and then reversing of that sentence.
  2)adding two numbers entered through command line

c)Java script
1) delete the duplicate words
     this is is very very good

2)eliminating digits from the sentence
eg"Th3E S6Un R45i5se5s in the E23as4t


1)write a pgm 2 concatenate 2 strings without using library functions
2)for an array of a[m][n] where all are sorted elements........write a pgm to find where the element exists 

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